12.0 ALLIANCE Hockey Registration Committee Policy, Policies, ALLIANCE Manual of Operations (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

Print12.0 ALLIANCE Hockey Registration Committee Policy

1        Minor Hockey Player Transfers


A player who wishes to transfer and whose residential move or right of choice has been denied by an association from which the player is moving from may appeal that decision to the ALLIANCE Registration Committee, by submitting to the ALLIANCE Office a completed ALLIANCE Registration Committee Application Form, accompanied by a $150.00 (one hundred and fifty dollars) fee. The fee will be refunded in the case of a successful appeal.


2        Membership of the Registration Committee


The ALLIANCE Executive Committee will appoint a Chairperson for the Registration Committee.   For each case, the President of the ALLIANCE will appoint two (2) additional members of the Executive Committee to serve on the Registration Committee.  Regional Vice Presidents will not be eligible to serve on the Registration Committee if the case involves a Member Association from their zone.


3        Time Allowed for Appeal


An appeal can be filed at any time. The player may not participate in try- outs, practices or other activities with the team to which they wish to transfer during the appeal process.


4        Application Process


4.1 The Application shall include all documentation provided for on a Minor Hockey Player Transfer Form. The Registration Committee may also request additional documentation.


4.2 Upon receipt at the ALLIANCE Office of a complete   ALLIANCE Registration Committee Application Form, required documentation and fee, the application will be forwarded to the Member Association who rejected the Minor Hockey Player Transfer Form. This Member Association will provide its response within seven (7) days, with such documentation as the Member Association considered, and any other supporting evidence.


4.3 Failure to provide a response within the seven (7) day timeframe will result in the Committee finding in favour of the applicant.


5       Process


5.1 The Committee shall determine facts and make decisions in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws, Regulations and Policies of ALLIANCE Hockey.


5.2 The Committee will, at its sole discretion, determine matters based upon written submissions or it may conduct a hearing.


5.3 When a hearing, either in person or by way of a conference call is being conducted, all parties are entitled to reasonable notice in writing or by email of the date, time and location (where applicable). The hearing shall proceed with or without any of the parties present.


5.4 Any party to a Registration Committee hearing may be represented by agent or counsel and tender evidence, documentation and oral testimony.

5.5 In all matters, the Registration Committee shall:


5.5.1.  confirm that the matter is under its jurisdiction;


5.5.2.  confirm that all documents and fees have been submitted;  and

5.5.3   provide the parties the right to present their positions in accordance with due process and the rules of natural justice.


5.6 All Committee meetings are closed meetings. Committee hearings shall be closed with only the parties involved present.  Other parties will be allowed to attend with the permission of the Committee Chairperson.  Deliberations will occur without the parties present.


5.7 The Committee will consider a matter within fifteen (15) days following the receipt at the ALLIANCE office of the application and fees. Unusual circumstances may warrant an extension of the fifteen (15) day requirement.  Such a determination   will be made by the President of the ALLIANCE.


5.8 All written submissions and evidence will be distributed to all parties and to members of the Committee.


6        Decision/Right of Appeal


6.1 Within two (2) business days of the conclusion of the meeting/hearing, the Committee  shall forward its decision  to the ALLIANCE Executive Director, who will in turn inform the parties of the decision by the next business day.


6.2 All parties and the ALLIANCE shall be bound by the decision of the Registration Committee and all parties agree to take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with the decision.


6.3 Appeals of a decision of the ALLIANCE Registration Committee shall be directed to the OHF Registration Committee.


6.4 If the ALLIANCE Executive Director receives evidence indicating that there has been a contravention   of any order or decision of the Registration Committee, the Executive Director shall refer the matter to the ALLIANCE Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have ultimate authority over such matters and shall take necessary action as they see fit.