Stratford, ON - ALLIANCE Hockey is pleased to present the 2014 AAA Face Off Events in September and October that will kick start the 2014-2015 season!
All competing AAA teams from Minor Bantam through Midget will compete in League Games throughout a designated weekend and all results will contribute to regular season standings.
- ALLIANCE Hockey Minor Bantam AAA Face Off - September 20-21, 2014
Location: Cambridge, Hespeler Arena
-12 Minor Bantam AAA teams
-24 games - Full Schedule
- ALLIANCE Hockey Bantam AAA Face Off – September 26-28, 2014
Location: Stratford, Rotary Complex
-12 Bantam AAA teams
-24 games - Full Schedule
- ALLIANCE Hockey Minor Midget AAA Face Off - September 26-28, 2014
Location: Hamilton, Chedoke Arena
-12 Minor Midget AAA teams
-24 games - Full Schedule
- ALLIANCE Hockey Midget AAA Face Off – October 3-5, 2014
Location: Brantford, Wayne Gretzky Sports Complex
-8 Midget AAA teams
-16 games - Full Schedule
Also included with the Events will be player seminars provided by various groups such as the OHL. Player of the Game Awards will be presented at the conclusion of each game and we are excited to have Gatorade as a major sponsor of the Face Offs.
Thank you to our Host Associations: Cambridge MHA, Huron Perth AAA, Hamilton Huskies AAA and Brantford MHA for your support of these Events!