ALLIANCE Hockey and the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2014 ALLIANCE Hockey Annual General Meeting and Golf Tournament to be held June 6th and 7th, 2014 at the Oakwood Resort in Grand Bend.
Click here to Register
For the AGM Room rate, you need to indicate that you are booking for the “ALLIANCE Hockey AGM” and speak directly with Samantha Wildfong: Email: [email protected] or Telephone: 519-238-7325, Oakwood Direct Line: (519) 238-2324, Reserve by May 1, 2014.
2014 AGM GOLF TOURNAMENT - Friday, June 6, 2014
Registration deadline May 20, 2014
$150.00/person ($170.00/person after May 1, 2014)
-Includes 18 holes of golf, power cart, BBQ lunch, full course dinner, ALLIANCE Hockey gift, prizes, reception with entertainment, complimentary drink ticket
10:30am – Registration, BBQ Lunch, 12:00pm - Shot Gun Start
2014 AGM COMPANION’S PROGRAM - Friday, June 6, 2014
Registration deadline May 20, 2014
$30.00/person – includes BBQ Lunch, Bayfield Shopping and Wine Tasting (at the Oakwood Inn)
10:30am – Registration, BBQ Lunch
2014 AGM AWARDS BANQUET & RECEPTION - Friday, June 6, 2014
Registration deadline May 20, 2014
-$60.00/person (if not golfing)
-Includes complimentary drink ticket, full course dinner, entertainment reception, prizes
5:30pm – Cocktails
6:30pm – Dinner
7:30pm – Awards Banquet
8:30pm – Entertainment/Reception
2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Saturday, June 7, 2014
Registration deadline May 20, 2014
Delegate Fee - $50.00/person
AGM Breakfast - $25.00/person
7:30am - AGM Breakfast
8:30am – Annual General Meeting Begins