Hockey Referee Program is pleased to offer this NEW interactive, educational
and fun clinic for certified Level 2 and Level 3 Officials who are currently
officiating in or are available to officiate in centres using the 4-Official System. This evening clinic will provide the
Official with the opportunity to acquire officiating skills and rule knowledge
while completing ALLIANCE Hockey and Hockey Canada certification requirements. The Linesman Seminar is combined with the
annual re-certification clinic so Officials will write their re-certification
exam as well.
Clinic Criteria & Objectives:
- The Seminar is for Officials who are committed to the position of Linesman in the 4-Official System within ALLIANCE Hockey over the next 3 years.
- The Seminar is designed for Officials who are in the earlier stages of their officiating career or those that wish to concentrate on the position of Linesman and wish to officiate in upcoming OHF Championships hosted by ALLIANCE Hockey.
- Designed to meet the needs of Officials currently working higher level hockey; this is not a Seminar for new Officials.
Date, Time & Location:
-Thursday, August 7, 2014
-Seminar: 6:00pm – 9:45pm, Registration: 5:30pm
-RIM Park, 2001 University Ave E. Waterloo ON N2K 4K4
-Classroom: #104
-On-ice session: Pillers Pad
Registration Notes:
-registration will be capped at 40 participants
-registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the clinic is full
-use the registration information provided in your re-cert clinic email package to register
1. The on-ice session will require participants to be in full officiating gear which includes your whistle.
2. Your clinic confirmation receipt
3. Your completed pre-clinic assignment
4. Your Criminal Record Check/Vulnerable Sector Screening (if applicable) or Criminal Offence Declaration Form (if applicable) in a sealed envelope with your name on the front