Chiefs assist in London Knights Teddy Bear Toss, Accomplishments (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

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Chiefs assist in London Knights Teddy Bear Toss
When the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs are mentioned in the same breath as the London Knights it is usually in reference to the healthy hockey rivalry the two area AAA programs share, but when its the OHL's London Knights and their annual Teddy Bear Toss the 07 Chiefs are happy to help out.  

This past Sunday the 07 Chiefs laced up their skates and could hardly wait for the Knights to score.  The Knights were held scoreless after the first period and almost the entire second period before the Knight's Sam Miletic scored against the Flint Firebirds, which signaled the capacity crowd at Budweiser Gardens to send thousands of toys sailing towards the ice during the annual Teddy Bear Toss. 

While the steady stream of plush toys began to cover the playing surface, the Chiefs swarmed the ice to help pick up all the toys which are donated to the Salvation Army and distributed through their Christmas Hamper Campaign. Once the ice was cleared the boys helped to count and load the over 9200 Teddy Bears into the trucks for delivery. 

We would like to thank the players, families and friends who all assisted in this event and help ensure that these toys will help to make some children's Christmas in our community a little brighter.  We would also like to thank everyone from our team and the many other Chief teams that helped out with the 50/50 sale at the Knights game that raised some funds for our Association.     

Photo credit to Mike Hensen/The London Free Press/Postmedia Network

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