EMC Bantam - The Shoebox Project, Accomplishments (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

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EMC Bantam - The Shoebox Project

One team goal complete! Congratulations to all players, parents and your supporters.

The results of every player and their family was clear tonight as the Shoeboxes were stacked beside the Christmas Tree (picture attached). And Allison Tisdale from the Project made it real as she described the impact each box will have on women from our community who are homeless or at risk this Christmas season. 

But there's more to the story. Since November 26 these 14-year old boys have given back to our communities in the following ways:

  • Drawn attention to the need for young men to be role models in ending abuse against women and children
  • Worked with their families and friends to create and donate 149 Shoeboxes (the goal was 80!)
  • Asked friends and family attending home games, and their opponents, to donate socks, mittens, hats and other items in critical need at shelters. This resulted in bags of these items plus toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap to be donated to:
    • The Strathroy Women's Rural Resource Centre 
    • The Boys and Girls Club of London
    • The Men's Mission
  • Hosted the 4th Annual Food Bank Faceoff with LJK which resulted in 500 lbs of food for the London and Area Foodbank to be donated

It has truly been the effort of a team that has led to these accomplishments!

Attached are a few pictures from tonight. Check out that stack of boxes. This is truly a "Way to Go Chiefs" moment!




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