Stratford, ON - ALLIANCE Hockey is preparing for the 2014 Annual General Meeting and accompanying annual Awards Banquet scheduled for Friday, June 6, 2014 at the Oakwood Inn & Resort in Grand Bend, ON. The Awards Banquet is an opportunity to recognize all of our member Associations for their dedication and hard work over the past season. It is also an opportunity to present individual awards in the categories of Coach, Trainer, Referee and Volunteer of the Year.
The ALLIANCE Hockey Awards Program began in 2001 with the first awards being presented at the 2001 ALLIANCE Hockey Annual General Meeting. The tradition has since continued with awards being bestowed upon local Association individuals who have dedicated themselves to the ideals of ALLIANCE Hockey; who have worked tirelessly for the improvement of their local Association and ALLIANCE Hockey and who have had a notable impact on the game.
ALLIANCE Hockey is thankful for the many individuals dedicating their time and efforts to making this great game even better for those who participate across the ALLIANCE. We are excited for the upcoming opportunity to present some very deserving individuals with these awards on June 6, 2014.
To view a list of past recipients, please click