The 2014 ALLIANCE Hockey
Annual General Meeting concluded this past weekend in Grand Bend, ON. The AGM weekend consisted of the Annual Golf Tournament and Companion Program on June 6th followed by the Annual Awards Banquet and Social. The Annual General Meeting was held Saturday, June 7, 2014 where presentations and a review of the 2014 Notice of Motions were voted upon.
ALLIANCE Hockey extends sincere thanks to the Hamilton Minor Hockey Council who were Co-Hosts of the weekend events. The numerous volunteers and delegates provided outstanding support and a good time was had by all.
As part of the AGM, ALLIANCE Hockey had the opportunity to thank those Board Members whose terms have come to an end and also welcome those Board Members who will begin new terms of service:
Out-Going Board Member:
Region 2 Vice-President: Chuck Williams
-President – Harry Blinkhorn (acclaimed)
-Vice-President Region 2 – Ray Kosumovic (acclaimed)
-Vice-President Region 4 – Carl Chapman (acclaimed)
-Chair of Representative Council – Larry Moreland (acclaimed)
-Secretary-Treasurer – Alan Webb (appointed)
-Chairperson of Appeals - David Miller (appointed)
-Technical Director - Referees - Marshall Copp (appointed)
Thank you to all of the delegates who attended the AGM and congratulations to all Members, we look forward to an exciting and productive 2014-2015 season!