Jun 07, 2015 | webmaster | 2709 views
2015 ALLIANCE Hockey AGM Concludes in Grand Bend
Stratford, ON - The 2015 ALLIANCE Hockey Annual General Meeting was held on June 6, 2015 in Grand Bend, ON. More than 200 members attended the two-day event which included a Golf Tournament, Awards Banquet, Social and Annual General Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting consists of special presentations, Executive Reports, Notices of Motions and the introduction of the 2016-2017 Executive Committee.
Some of the presentations featured at the Annual General Meeting included:
LiveAPP - Steve Benedetti
Team Ontario / Team ALLIANCE Alumni: Isaac Ratcliffe & Nick Suzuki w/ Gary McFarlane
Non-Traditional Hockey: Rolland Cyr, KMHA
The 2016-2017 Executive Committee will consist of the following members:
President: Harry Blinkhorn
Sr. Vice President: Dan Gibbons
Treasurer: Alan Webb
Region #1 VP: Brian Matuch
Region #2 VP: Ray Kosumovic
Region #3 VP: Keith Woods
Region #4 VP: Carl Chapman
Region #5 VP: Jennifer MacDonald
Rec Council Chair: Larry Moreland
Rep Council Chair: Thom Foster