London, ON - At the West London Byron Optimist Tournament this past weekend, the Atom MD Championship game featured two ALLIANCE Hockey teams; the Waterloo Wolves Black and the Brantford 99ers. The Brantford 99ers were crowned tournament champions following a 4-1 victory but it was the actions of the Waterloo Wolves at the end of the game that left them with a very special memory...
As told by B. Whitfield:
In all my life around hockey I have never seen this…
As our team was finishing with pictures and awards our 99er players turned to exit the rink, we all looked up and this is what we were looking at...
The most amazing display of sportsmanship shocked the arena...
Please let them all know this had a lasting effect on our kids and our parents. Absolutely amazing group of individuals.
Congratulations to both teams! Thank you for sharing your story and for showing true sportsmanship!