Feb 10, 2017 | ALLIANCE Hockey | 16237 views
Shared Respect - We All Have a Role
Stratford, ON - It is that time of the season when we see the energy on the ice intensify and the excitement in the stands amplified! All for good reason as we celebrate the post season and the possibility of that ever-elusive championship title! All good that is until someone takes the excitement just a little too far...
ALLIANCE Hockey encourages all participants in the game to have fun and to keep the
RESPECT in the RINK as the games intensify and become more exciting over the next few months.
Keep in mind your role in showing respect for the game of hockey and all its participants.
• The safety of the participants in the game is more important than the final score.
• I value the contribution of the coach in developing the players’ talents, even though I may not always agree with their methods.
• I understand that officials do not make the hockey rules, they only apply them.
• I understand that children learn from adults, and my behavior reflects what I want children to learn.
• I understand that officials are responsible to ensure that the game is played in a safe and fair manner for all participants.
• I understand that players, coaches and officials are learning the game, and mistakes will be made in the learning process.
• I may not cheer for the opposition team, but I will also not cheer against them or verbally abuse them.
• I understand that the biggest reason for players and officials quitting the game is abuse.
Good luck to all teams in the post-season and have FUN!