2017-18 Regular Season Champions Crowned, News (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

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Feb 18, 2018 | ALLIANCE Hockey | 3823 views
2017-18 Regular Season Champions Crowned
Stratford, ON - The 2017-18 ALLIANCE Hockey Pavilion and Seeded League Regular Seasons concluded with close to 4000 games played since the season officially began in September.  The majority of divisions showed great parity and the same parity has been carried into the post-season.   

Congratulations to these 2017-18 Regular Season Champions:



Minor Atom AAA

East: Kitchener Jr Rangers, West: Elgin-Middlesex Chiefs

Atom AAA

East: Waterloo Wolves, West: London Jr Knights

Minor Pee Wee AAA

East: Brantford 99ers, West: Elgin-Middlesex Chiefs

Pee Wee AAA

East: Kitchener Jr Rangers, West: Sun County Panthers

Minor Bantam AAA

East: Hamilton Huskies, West: Elgin-Middlesex Chiefs

Bantam AAA

East: Brantford 99ers, West: London Jr Knights

Minor Midget AAA

Cambridge Hawks

Midget AAA

Waterloo Wolves



Minor Atom AA

Kitchener Jr Rangers

Atom AA

London Jr Knights White

Minor Pee Wee AA

London Jr Knights White

Pee Wee AA

Brantford 99ers

Minor Bantam AA

London Jr Knights Green

Bantam AA

Kitchener Jr Rangers Red

Minor Midget AA

London Jr Knights Green

Midget Seeded

London Jr Knights



Minor Atom A

London Jr Knights White

Atom A

Woodstock Jr Navy Vets

Minor Pee Wee A

Kitchener Jr Rangers Red

Pee Wee A

Waterloo Wolves

Minor Bantam A

Kitchener Jr Rangers Red

Bantam A

Hamilton Huskies

Minor Midget A

Cambridge Hawks

The Road to the OHF Championships...

The 2018 OHF Championships will take place April 13-15, 2018 in various locations across Ontario.

Over 750 players, from Atom to Juvenile, will take to the ice during the OHF Championship weekend, celebrating the season while competing for the chance to raise the trophy on the Sunday afternoon.

2018 OHF Championships Hosts:

Atom A     West Mall Lightning (GTHL)

Atom AA                West Ferris Minor Hockey Association (NOHA)

Atom AAA              Hamilton Jr. Bulldogs (OMHA)

Peewee A               Erie North Shore Minor Hockey Association (OMHA)

Peewee AA             Kitchener Minor Hockey Association (ALLIANCE)

Peewee AAA           Sun County Panthers (ALLIANCE)

Bantam A               Cambridge Minor Hockey Association (ALLIANCE)

Bantam AA             Burlington Eagles (OMHA)

Bantam AAA           North Central Predators (OMHA)             

Midget A                 New Liskeard Lions (NOHA)

Midget AA               North Toronto Hockey Association (GTHL)

Midget AAA             Rockland MHA (HEO)

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