External Competition - UPDATE, News (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

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Nov 19, 2020 | ALLIANCE Hockey | 7293 views
External Competition - UPDATE
Like all OHF Members, ALLIANCE Hockey continues to adapt to the current environment created because of the COVID-19 pandemic and assist in leading our Associations through their Return to Hockey Plans.

On October 21, 2020, the ALLIANCE Hockey Executive Committee held an important meeting to review the possibility of providing external competition. Careful and deliberate examination lead to the decision that Member Associations would only engage in internal competition until the Executive Committee met again on November 18, 2020 to review the next steps in moving forward with external competition.

At the November 18, 2020 ALLIANCE Hockey Executive Committee Meeting, the following outcome was established:

ALLIANCE Hockey Member Associations in Public Health Framework levels of Green, Yellow, and Orange may engage in external competition in accordance with the current OHF RTP Framework stage (currently 3B) and OHF granted exemption(s), with further reference to the OHF Bulletin dated November 18, 2020 (see below).

ALLIANCE Hockey Member Associations in Public Health Framework levels of Red must return to OHF RTP Framework Stage 1 until further review regardless of previous approvals and/or exemption(s).

ALLIANCE Hockey Member Associations in Public Health Framework levels of Grey must cease programming until further review regardless of previous approvals and/or exemption(s).

All Member Association requests for external competition outside of the OHF RTP Stage 3B Framework, which shall also include local PHU approval must be submitted to ALLIANCE Hockey via your Regional Vice-President.

Reference: OHF RTP Framework 

With the recent rollout of the province’s COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open the OHF has provided guidance to its Members, Associations and teams as to the implications on programming via this November 18, 2020 Bulletin: OHF COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open.

ALLIANCE Hockey remains committed to providing programming within the safety guidelines provided and upholds the expectation that all Members follow established protocols to ensure that hockey continues to be offered.

Thank you for your compliance to all Return to Play Guidelines and stay safe.
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