Stratford, ON - ALLIANCE Hockey is pleased to announce that
Lisa Kroesbergen (Mount
Brydges, ON) has been named the recipient of the 2020-21 ALLIANCE Hockey Award
of Merit.
Watch the full video here!
Social distancing, community spread, masking, containment, pandemic, PPE, quarantine, pivot…all words (and actions) most of us have become more familiar with over the last year and a half. All words and actions that Lisa Kroesbergen, an Infection Control Professional at LHSC has recognized for years but probably never imagined would become so prevalent in her role as head Ice Scheduler and Covid Rep for the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs.
With her specialized background and years of volunteering, Kroesbergen was an important and invaluable resource this past season for the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs and ALLIANCE Hockey. Despite her heavy work schedule, Kroesbergen made time to develop Covid protocols, attend numerous virtual meetings, provide specialized direction and advice for all levels of hockey, and contribute to the overall return to hockey plan.
“Lisa spent so many personal hours developing a return to play plan that got the kids back on the ice early. We were the first organization to do so in Ontario, and that would not have happened without the relentless efforts to give the kids an opportunity to further develop as hockey players and be back out on the ice with their friends. This went a long way for the kids’ mental well-being,” noted an EMC Board Member.
Thank you Lisa for working tirelessly for the improvement of the game and for having a notable impact on both the game and the players involved.
Thank you to Pro Hockey Life for your support of the ALLLIANCE Hockey Awards Program.