Cambridge, ON - The Galt Minor Hockey School proudly introduced a special initiative for their 2021-22 Learn to Skate season...a new Learn to Skate Superheroes League! As part of their learn to skate hockey programs for ages three and up, the GMHS redesigned seven sets of jerseys to replicate favourite, childhood Superheroes including Buzz Lightyear,
Batman, Aquaman, Spiderman, Wolverine, Captain America and the Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles!
The GMHS Learn to Skate program runs from October through March. The majority of the GMHS Lead Instructors have 20 plus years of experience with the hockey school and work closely with a team of student volunteers and On-Ice Parent Helpers.
The Galt Minor Hockey School takes pride in their progressive learning approach. First, they teach skaters how to stand on their own, then basic skating skills are introduced with fun on ice games and activities to keep each week engaging. Falling down and getting back up, striding, T-pushes, tight turns, backwards skating, cross-overs, gliding, side-stepping, different types of stopping techniques and mini obstacle courses are created with cones, sticks, bean bags, rings, etc. to help with balance and coordination.
The Galt Minor Hockey School has been teaching kids since 1967.
Our registration numbers are out of control this season at the Galt Minor Hockey School," noted Hockey School Director Larry Kitzman. "The Learn to Skate program filled up over a month ago and we offered a second hour of Learn to Skate because of the restrictions. We began working on the special jersey designs two years ago but when the pandemic hit, we had to put the release on hold."
Based on the smiles on the ice, it was well worth the wait! Thanks for sharing GMHS!