Hockey Members:
The last few seasons have presented ALLIANCE Hockey with challenges that have had an impact on both the operating practices and the working relationships with our
As a member-driven organization, the focus of ALLIANCE Hockey has
always been to ensure that players and Member
Associations are a priority. Thus, we believe that any changes to our
operating practices need to be developed in conjunction with the membership.
At the 2022 ALLIANCE Hockey Annual General Meeting in June, we initiated the beginnings of a re-evaluation to address the organization’s practices, including how to best meet the needs of the membership with a specific Reset Committee developed to lead the process. To date, the Reset Committee has gathered feedback from Member Association leaderships via surveys distributed in August and October.
The next step is to seek input from other areas of the membership to help us with the RESET of our organizational priorities and plans. Through a new and focused survey, we will seek engagement from players, parents, team officials, game officials and additional Member Association leaderships. This survey will be distributed the week of November 7th and will be staggered over the following weeks, with all surveys to be collected by mid-December. Survey participants will be randomly selected and if you have an opportunity to participate, we strongly encourage you to engage so that your voice is heard.
With a positive response rate, we can be confident that the results will assist us in moving forward with necessary changes.
In follow up, the Reset Committee will provide a presentation at the ALLIANCE Hockey Semi-Annual Meeting in January 2023 that will include a summary of all survey results received to date and further information regarding the reset plan moving forward.
One of the unique strengths of ALLIANCE Hockey has been our ability to work together to find solutions that benefit all our members. We all share in the success of how we move forward and what we can accomplish together.
Thank you in advance for your contributions to the ALLIANCE Hockey RESET.
ALLIANCE Hockey Reset Committee