The Brantford Community Hockey League in partnership with Take A Shot Sports teamed up to offer a free, learn-to-play hockey program for youth aged 8-12 years and new to the game of hockey. All necessary equipment was provided and the sessions ran 2 hours per week for 10 weeks.
The first session concluded with a fun game where the participants were skating from end-to-end, moving the puck and sporting some big smiles.
Congratulations to the participants and all those involved in creating a fabulous introduction to the game of hockey!

Breaking down the positive numbers:
» 21 players registered
» 11 players are now registered in the BCHL House League program
» 1 player is registered for the January Take A Shot Session
» 1 player is now playing in another community
» 8 players are deciding on their next moves
Overall, the BCHL Take A Shot program has been a fantastic experience and is providing opportunities to introduce new kids to the game - which is a win for everyone!
BCHL and Take A Shot are currently offering registrations for the Winter session which operates January through March.