Attention: Local Hockey Associations
Bauer, Hockey Canada, the National Hockey League (NHL) and
the National Hockey League Players’ Association (NHLPA) are pleased to announce
the LHA application period to host an NHL/NHLPA First Shift program for the upcoming 2024-25 season is now open!
24-25 season will mark the 11th year of the program, which has seen
more than 1,500 programs executed, resulting in more than 52,000 young
Canadians across the country trying hockey for the first time.
The application period for Local Hockey Associations wishing
to host a program in 2024-25 will be held from January 15 to March 15. The objective for
2024-25 is to host 225 programs (Coed, Female, Para Hockey, as well as
innovative programming with a focus on equity deserving groups).
Once again, the NHL/NHLPA First Shift program, and its
partners, are proud to innovate and work on diversity and inclusion, to ensure
that all Canadians can play our game. Host associations are encouraged to work
with their local communities to offer programs with a focus on Equity Deserving
Groups. As well, we have streamlined our application process, making it easier
than ever for associations to select a variety of program offerings – under one
simple application. We encourage Local Hockey Associations to share their
intentions for any equity, diversity, and inclusion focused programming.
Like 2023-24, the NHL/NHLPA First Shift program will put a
strong focus on girls by reserving spots in every COED program – providing more
opportunities for young girls to play hockey.
The application period for 2024-25 period begins at 12 PM
EST (noon) on January 15 and ends on March 15.
Local Hockey
Associations can view more information at
or apply to host an event at