Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup is Back!, News (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

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Jan 19, 2024 | Good Deeds | 2046 views
Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup is Back!
We are happy to announce the return of the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup program for its 8th season!

To date, the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup program has made incredible impact in communities coast to coast to coast amounting more than 1,000 Good Deeds and over $700,000 to charities across Canada.

Same as last year, no good deed goes unnoticed. U11 – U15 Teams can compete to do as much good as possible.
No editing. No complicated rules. No voting. Just real players doing as many real good deeds as they can.


• The Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup is a multi-channel social contest where U11, U13 & U15 teams (individuals, as a team, or community members) compete head-to-head to do as many good deeds as possible to better their community. Every deed counts, no matter how big or how small. The goal is doing the most good – quantity wins!

• Players / teams record themselves performing good deeds and submit them by posting to social media, along with #GoodDeedsCup, #Contest, @ChevroletCanada and #[Minor Hockey Team Name +Age +Level].
• Chevrolet will then assess each submission to ensure a good deed was completed and award one point to that specific team's score on the live Good Deeds Cup leaderboard hosted on

• The more deeds a player / team submits, the more points they add to their team’s score.

• After 6 weeks, the team at the top of the leaderboard wins the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup

• $100,000 donation to the registered Canadian Charity of the Winning Team’s choice and $10,000 donation to the Member of the Winning Team


Team Kits are making a return for Season 8 of the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup to help encourage and maximize participation. The Team Kits are available to the first 150 teams who complete and post a Chevrolet Good Deed online. Additional information below.

The program opens on January 19th and runs until March 3rd. The winner announcement is currently scheduled for March 11th.


  • Open to U11, U13 and U15 teams registered with Hockey Canada
  • Champion receives $100,000 donation to the registered Canadian charity of their choice
  • The Member that has the winning team will be awarded $10,000
  • The first 150 teams who participate will be awarded a “Chevrolet Team Kit” with materials and swag to help complete good deeds
  • Ask - Minor Hockey Teams to submit as MANY good deeds as they can – no matter how big or small the good deed is
  • Players on teams can complete deeds individually which would add to their team total
  • Additionally, members of the community can complete good deeds on behalf of a team
  • A Live leaderboard will be available on the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup website.
  • Teams and individuals are asked to submit their completed good deeds with a video or picture on any social channel tagging the following:
    • @ChevroletCanada
    • #GoodDeedsCup
    • #Contest
    • #MinorHockeyTeamName + Age Division + Level


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