Green Armband Initiative (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

PrintGreen Armband Initiative


ALLIANCE Hockey is committed to deterring all physical and verbal maltreatment of on-ice officials. There should be no unreasonable pressure, negative expression, intimidation, or other acts of maltreatment towards on-ice officials.
The Green Armband policy is designed to support on-ice officials by having entry level and/or minor-aged officials sporting green armbands signaling a reminder to participants and spectators to modify and control negative emotions and behaviour before, during and after games.

ALLIANCE Hockey is excited to introduce the Green Armband Policy beginning as of the 2024-2025 season.

The Green Armband initiative was piloted within the Tri City Hockey League in the 2023-2024 season and has proven successful in other hockey branches across the country and in other provincial sports organizations.

The green armband represents the idea that these officials are new to the officiating world in terms of their age and are learning and developing. Ultimately, the goal is to highlight that these are young officials providing a service to the game of hockey in a public space and should be respected in that role.



.1 To provide an effective deterrent and support mechanism for entry level and/or minor-aged on-ice officials.

.2 Using green armbands is proposed to reduce the incidence(s) of Hockey Canada Section 11, Maltreatment towards entry 
  level and/or minor-aged on-ice officials. Furthermore, it is intended to provide a safe and respectful hockey experience,
encourage officiating growth and development, and reduce the current rate of officiating attrition.

.3 Entry level and/or minor-aged officials are considered in training and will sometimes make mistakes throughout their
development. Through the green armband initiative, participants and spectators are reminded to be patient, show respect,
and avoid any form of Maltreatment directed towards the on-ice officials.

This initiative will help support officials at the grassroots level, who, like the players on the ice, are learning their roles and developing a passion. Young officials should have the opportunity to work in a safe environment.

This new initiative aims to eliminate abuse of officials from players, coaches, and fans. This will be achieved by educating everyone involved in the game that it is just that—a game—and that officials are young, learning, and doing their best. Verbal abuse and negative experiences for officials must stop, and the focus should be on fun in the game for all involve


.1 All participating officials are registered for the current season, Hockey Canada certified and working in sanctioned
Recreational/MD League programming.

.2 Applicable to any suspendable Hockey Canada Section 11 Maltreatment offence towards any on-ice entry level and/or
minor-aged official.


.1 All entry level and/or minor aged on-ice officials are mandated to wear the standard green armband on the left arm, between
the elbow and shoulder during all sanctioned recreational/MD hockey games.

.2 Any participant (on-ice player and/or Team Official) assessed with a suspendable offence under Hockey Canada Section 11,
Maltreatment towards any green arm band-wearing Official will be administered Supplementary Discipline as determined by
the Minimum Supplemental Discipline for Maltreatment of a Green Armband Official Guideline including: Game Misconduct,
Gross Misconduct, and/or Match Penalty, under Hockey Canada Rules.
Supplementary Discipline under this Policy will be in addition to any imposed OHF suspension(s).


.1 The on-ice official(s) shall properly identify any offence(s) under Hockey Canada Section 11, Maltreatment towards any green
armband-wearing Official.

.2 Any offence(s) assessed to a participant, shall be subject to the Minimum Supplemental Discipline outlined in the chart below.

.3 Any offence(s) committed by a spectator, would be recorded on the game report with follow up from ALLIANCE Hockey in
conjunction with the local MHA.

Minimum Supplemental Discipline for Maltreatment of a Green Armband Official Guideline:



When at a hockey game, and you see officials wearing the green armband, it simply indicates to the hockey community to recognize that the officials working that game are officials in training.  Remember too, they are human - someone’s child, friend, sibling, etc.

Educate others on the Green Armband Initiative and the meaning behind the symbol of the green armbands. Understand that it is not OK to yell at officials - we need to collectively change this mindset and the actions behind it. Recognize that there is a person wearing that jersey, someone who has been training to develop and keep the game as safe and fair as possible for all participants. Share the idea that we need the adults in the rinks to act like adults and let the kids enjoy the game they are playing and officiating.

Most, if not all, communities report needing more officials and mentors. Developing an initiative that will help retain and recruit officials and reduce abuse will help keep those numbers where they need to be so we can all experience the game of hockey as it should be played.