Article Eight - President, Constitutional By-Laws, ALLIANCE Manual of Operations (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

PrintArticle Eight - President

8.1     PRESIDENT:

.1    The President is the senior Executive Officer of the organization, responsible for providing overall leadership and ensuring effective organization and operation of the ALLIANCE.  This position is an elected, volunteer position.
.2   The President is the Chair of the Executive Committee for all ALLIANCE Annual General and Special General Meetings.

.3   The President, or in his/her absence, the Senior Vice President or designate, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee, with the identified authorities and responsibilities of the office.
.4   As an elected official, the President is accountable to the Executive Committee and the membership at large.



.1   The President shall be the official representative of the ALLIANCE on the Executive Committee of other amateur ruling bodies as directed by the membership of the OHF, HC, etc.

.2  In the event that additional representation to other ruling bodies is granted, additional delegate(s) from the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.




.1   Must have served on the Executive Committee for one (1) of the last two (2) years. The President shall not serve in any capacity with a member association while holding Executive Committee office.


.1   Extensive minor hockey organizational experience at all levels

.2   Knowledge of ALLIANCE, OHF and HC rules and regulations

.3   Management and supervisory skills

.4   Leadership, facilitation and decisiveness

.5   Strong communication and interpersonal skills

.6   Dispute resolution skills