Article Twelve - Representative Council and Recreational Council and Chair and Vice-Chair Roles, Constitutional By-Laws, ALLIANCE Manual of Operations (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

PrintArticle Twelve - Representative Council and Recreational Council and Chair and Vice-Chair Roles



.1   The  ALLIANCE  will  develop and operate a  Representative Council that will be responsible for and have control  over the day-to-day operations of ALLIANCE Representative leagues and teams.

.2   The Representative Council interacts and works in cooperation with numerous parties, including the Recreational Council, and is accountable to the member associations and the Executive Committee of the ALLIANCE.



.1   The Representative Council shall consist of one (1) representative appointed by each ALLIANCE member association that has Representative and/or BB-B teams, plus one (1) representative appointed by the Referees Committee.

.2   Each qualifying member association must forward the name of their primary  Representative Council appointed representative to the ALLIANCE Executive Director prior to June 30th of each year.

.3   Each qualifying  ALLIANCE member  association  must appoint one (1) alternate representative to the Representative Council and forward the name to the ALLIANCE Executive Director before June 30th of each year.

.4   Each Representative Council member or in his/her absence the designated  alternate  identified to  the ALLIANCE  Executive Director, shall be entitled to vote on any matter properly placed before and considered by the Representative Council.



.1   The Representative Council will work closely with the elected Regional Vice-Presidents  of the ALLIANCE and the
     Executive Director. The Representative Council shall have the following powers;
.1  Approach member associations in order to fill vacancies or to deal with attendance issues;
.2  Suspend any referee, player or official concerned with any affiliated team or member Minor Hockey
             Association involved with Representative leagues or teams for due cause, subject to the rights
            of appeals provided herein;
.3  Appoint one of its members to attend Recreational Council meetings as a liaison and observer with no voting
            privileges .
2   The Representative Council can make the following decisions:

.1  Consistent with OHF and ALLIANCE Constitution  and By- laws, rules of play and related policies;
.2  On items that affect only Representative leagues and teams associated with the ALLIANCE.
The Representative Council cannot make any decision that could impact the Recreational Councils area
             of responsibility without securing approval of the Recreational Council on the matter before the decision can
             be implemented.

.4   The Representative Council, on receipt of a recommendation from the Recreational Council requiring
     Representative Council approval, will place the item on the next agenda of the Representative Council for
     consideration. A majority vote of the Council members is required in order to approve a recommendation of the
     Recreational Council.

.5   If the Representative Council and the Recreational Council cannot agree on a change or action approved by the
     Representative Council, the Council can present the recommendation to the Executive Committee of the ALLIANCE
     for a final decision.

.6   The Executive Committee of the ALLIANCE, at its sole discretion, can approve, disapprove, amend or refer such a




.1   The ALLIANCE will develop and operate a Recreational Council which will manage and control the day-to-day operations of ALLIANCE house league and select teams.

.2   The Recreational Council interacts with and works in cooperation with numerous parties, including the Representative / BB-B Council, and is accountable to the member associations and the Executive Committee of the ALLIANCE.



.1   The Recreational Council shall consist of one (1) representative appointed  by each ALLIANCE member  Association  that has house league  or select teams, plus one (1) representative appointed by the Referees Committee.

.2   Each qualifying member association must forward the name of their primary Recreational Council appointed representative to the ALLIANCE Executive Director prior to June 30th of each year.

.3   Each qualifying  ALLIANCE member  association  must appoint one (1) alternate representative to the Recreational Council and forward the name to the ALLIANCE Executive Director before June 30th of each year.

.4   Each Recreational Council member,  or in his/her absence, the designated  alternate  identified to  the ALLIANCE  Executive Director, shall be entitled to vote on any matter properly placed before and considered by the Recreational Council.


.1  The Recreational Council shall be responsible for and have control over the day-to-day operations of
        ALLIANCE House 
League and Select teams.
.2   The Recreational Council will work closely with the elected Regional Vice Presidents of the ALLIANCE, and the

             Executive Director. The Recreational Council shall have the following powers:

.1  Approach member associations in order to fill vacancies or to deal with attendance issues;

.2  Suspend any referee, player or official concerned with any affiliated team or  member minor hockey association involved with house league or select teams for due cause, subject to the rights of appeals provided herein;
.3  Appoint one of its members to attend Representative Council meetings as a liaison and observer with no voting privileges.                                                                                                                                          

     .3   The Recreational Council can make the following decisions:

.1  Consistent with OHF and ALLIANCE Constitution and By-laws, rules of play and related policies;
.2  On items that affect only house league and select teams associated with the ALLIANCE.

  .4   The Recreational Council cannot make any decision that could impact the Representative Councils area of
  responsibility without securing approval of the Representative Council on the matter before the decision can be
.5   The Recreational  Council,  on receipt of a  recommendation requiring Recreational Council approval from
  the Representative Council, will place the item on the agenda of the next meeting of the Council. A majority vote of
          the Recreational Council members is required in order to approve a recommendation from the Representative Council.
.6  If the Recreational Council and the Representative Council can- not agree on a change  or action approved by  the    Recreational Council, the Recreational Council can present the recommendation to the Executive  Committee  of the
ALLIANCE for final approval.
.7  The Executive Committee of the ALLIANCE, at its sole discretion, can approve, disapprove, amend or refer such a

.1   Representatives on the Representative Council and the Recreational Council will have the following qualifications:

.1  Extensive minor hockey organizational experience, with particular emphasis at the level of play that the Council is
            involved with

.2  Knowledge of ALLIANCE, OHF and HC rules and regulations

.3  Management and supervisory skills

.4  Leadership, facilitation and decisiveness

.5  Strong communication and interpersonal skills

.6  Dispute resolution skills



.1   Persons appointed to the Representative Council and the Recreational Council, save and except for the Referee Committee appointees, must have served at least one (1) year on the Executive Committee and/or a standing committee of the ALLIANCE, or as an Executive Member of a minor hockey association.

.2   Persons nominated as Representative or Recreational Council chairs must have served at least one (1) of the last two years on the Representative Council or Recreational Council or as an Executive Member of an ALLIANCE Minor Hockey Association.



.1   The Chairs of each of the Representative and Recreational Councils are elected ALLIANCE positions as per Sections 6.11.3, 6.11.4, 7.8.2 and 7.8.3.

.2   Each year, the Representative Council and the Recreational Council, at their first meeting, will elect from amongst  themselves,  a Vice Chair. The previous years Chairperson, or a designate from amongst the group in attendance, will operate the election procedure. The Vice Chair of either Council is not eligible to be a member of the Executive Committee.

.3   The Chair of each of the Councils, at each meeting, will ensure that minutes are taken in conjunction  with the Executive Director, approve the minutes and have them distributed to the appropriate Council members and to the Executive Director who will distribute them to the Executive Committee.

.4   Each Council, at their meeting in September of each year, will establish the number of Council meetings and their dates and locations until the following June and circulate the list to all appropriate individuals and the Executive Committee through the Executive Director.
The Chair of each Council will be responsible for the following:

.1   The calling of regular meetings and ensuring notification with an agenda given fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting;

.2   Chairing each of the meetings and ensuring minutes are taken, approved and circulated;

.3   Receiving input on agenda items and other information for consideration before the Council meeting;

.4   Following up with organizations who fail to attend two (2) Council meetings in a row, without notification, to determine the cause and to speak to the member association President about non-attendance;

.5   Appoint the Vice Chairperson to the role of Chair if they are not able to attend a Council meeting;
.6   Call special meetings of their Council as required, or if five (5) or more member association representatives to their Council request a meeting in writing, with the meeting to be held within ten (10) days of the request being received;

.7   Ensure that Council agenda items and motions reflect the roles and responsibilities of that Council and do not infringe on the roles and responsibilities of the other Councils;

.8   Contact the Chair of the other Council to identify motions and situations that require either their input and/or that Councils approval prior to any motion being implemented.
.9   The Vice Chair will undertake projects assigned by the Council Chair, with particular  emphasis  on liaison coordination  with the other Council, and will fulfill the Council Chairs responsibilities  when the Chair is not available at any Council meeting or meetings of the two Councils.

.10   The Chair and the Vice Chair will have the following qualifications:

.1   Extensive minor hockey organizational experience at all levels, but particularly related to the Council they
            are to be involved with
.2   Knowledge of ALLIANCE, OHF and HC rules and regulations
.3   Management and supervisory skills
.4   Leadership, facilitation and decisiveness
.5   Strong communication and interpersonal skills
.6   Dispute resolution skills



.1   Any item requiring a vote at any Council meeting, unless otherwise stipulated in the Constitutional By-Law, requires fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the members  in attendance  for a  motion to be approved.

.2   A quorum for any meeting of either Council occurs when fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the eligible Associations members are represented and in attendance at the meeting.

.3   Motions approved at either of the Councils’ meetings are to go into force at the date identified within the motion or through a separate motion.
.4   Motions approved by either Council can be appealed by a member association in writing to the Executive Committee.  Appeals must be submitted to the Executive Committee no more than fourteen (14) days after the Council meeting at which the motion is approved.

.5   Any motion by one Council on an item that will impact or influence the activities or work of the other Council will require the approval of the other Council before it can be implemented.

.6   If the Council not approving a motion for change is not approached, yet feels that such a motion will impact their work and activities, they can appeal the decision to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will have the final authority as to whether the motion is:

.1   Approved for implementation;

.2   Disapproved and will not be implemented;

.3   Is amended and implemented;

.4   Is sent back to the sponsoring Council for further consideration.