10.0 Policy For OHF and HC Championship Travel, Policies, ALLIANCE Manual of Operations (Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario)

Print10.0 Policy For OHF and HC Championship Travel

10.1   OHF and Provincial Championship Travel Subsidy

.1  The Championship Subsidy is a total of $6,500.00 (Six thousand five hundred dollars). Only those teams that travel more than two hundred (200) kms will qualify for a Championship   Subsidy.  The Championship Subsidy for each team is determined by taking the total kilometers (one way) for all the eligible Championships and calculating a percentage for each teams travel to their specific Championship.  A teams percentage of the total travel will be used to determine how much subsidy they should receive. Those teams that travel a greater distance will receive a greater amount to subsidize their travel.

.2  Teams travelling to championships hosted by Hockey Northwestern Ontario will receive $1500.00 in
     addition to their entitlement under 

.3  The table below illustrates the formula used to determine travel subsidy.

Division Host Centre ALLIANCE Team Km's Traveled (1-way) % of Total Km's $ Subsidy
U13 A $0.00
U13 AA $0.00
U13 AAA $0.00
U15 A $0.00
U15 AA $0.00
U15 AAA $0.00
U18 A $0.00
U18 AA $0.00
U18 AAA $0.00
Total   100% $0.00